Sydney Vegan Market: The cutest stall this weekend – Kind Republic

Sydney Vegan Market: The cutest stall this weekend - Kind Republic

Priscila Chavez from Ecuador, creator of Kind Republic, showcased her bakes at Sydney Vegan Market this weekend.

She makes wonderful slow-cooked vegan cakes and makes dips and spreads from nutritious whole foods… and her family just don’t get it. But she loves it.

Jinglu, Priscila and Deni - BIKINI GIRLS DIARY / DENI KIRKOVA

Jinglu, Priscila and Deni – DENI KIRKOVA

Floral berry slow cooked cake by Kind Republic - BIKINI GIRLS DIARY / DENI KIRKOVA

Floral berry slow cooked cake by Kind Republic – DENI KIRKOVA

The South American woman who recently moved to Australia showcased her skills and stock to the public for the first time at the Sydney Vegan Market.

I headed down there on Sunday and I was so moved by her delicious creations and sweet story that I had to ask her a few more questions and take some photos… and of course buy up lots of her goods.

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Dark crunch Florentines by Kind Republic - BIKINI GIRLS DIARY / DENI KIRKOVA

Dark crunch Florentines by Kind Republic – DENI KIRKOVA



Priscila, whose friend Jinglu was volunteering to hep her run the stall that day, said when she first turned veggie her family back home did not understand … but she just couldn’t help it.

She quickly because a passionate vegan and found cooking as a therapy. I totally get this as I find it a super meditate experience to get lost in a recipe, smells, tastes… and of course with the vegan element you know it’s better for your health, the plant and the animals.

Kalamata aoli made with tofu and olives - delicious! - BIKINI GIRLS DIARY / DENI KIRKOVA

Kalamata aoli made with tofu and olives – delicious! – DENI KIRKOVA

Gooey choccy slow cooked cake - BIKINI GIRLS DIARY / DENI KIRKOVA

Gooey choccy slow cooked cake – DENI KIRKOVA

Sydney Vegan Market, which is on the third Sunday of every month, only started last month in Marrickville, Inner West, but it’s already growing hugely in popularity with Vegan Business Media checking it out and lots of vegan bloggers too.

The awesome Lentil as Anything and Two Six 9 have set up stalls there so you know it’s the real deal.


Jinglu and Priscila – DENI KIRKOVA

Coming across Priscila’s stall, which was smaller compared to some others which are more established companies, was the kind of experience one hopes for coming to these things.

Her cooking – evolving from the Republic of Ecuador to the Kind Republic – and her sweet humble nature stood out to me.

Check out her pages to find out more and try some for yourself!



Smoked hummus – DENI KIRKOVA

Deni Kirkova
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