test Homepage, Hot news, Wellness / 18.07.2017

[title maintitle="Becoming body confident no matter what size" subtitle=""] Looking back at a teeny tiny me - when I first competed compared to a much fuller me now, where I've gained muscle and yes, with it obviously body fat and started to gradually cut down for summer.   [caption id="attachment_2140" align="alignnone" width="2048"] Vicky left: Last July and right: Now[/caption] I've had my eye on redoing a bikini competition since May but lots of exciting summer opportunities and holidays cropped up which postponed it. (You've got to live life as well - you can't constantly be on a cut! I'm all about balance...

test Hot news, Lifestyle, Wellness / 17.05.2017

[title maintitle="" subtitle="Ryan Libbey on How He Got Louise Into Amazing Shape"] We met Made in Chelsea star Ryan Libbey a couple of weeks ago at a fitness event with STRONG by Zumba. As genuine lovers of the hit E4 programme we couldn't wait to get into the star's head and find out just how much he knows about fitness and most importantly - HOW did he get Louise into that shape...